Eleven Months


-"Two Little Kitty Cats" from Kids Music Together. Over and over and over. 

-"Mr. Rabbit" from Kids Music Together. She does rabbit ears with her fingers, although she can only figure out how to raise one. 

-Cruising around holding onto furniture

-Eating fruit of all kinds, many vegetables, and often nothing else

-Crawling over to her shoes and holding them up to her feet when she feels like going out

-Batting her eyelashes

-Trying to get inside the fridge every time it opens

-Reading her books over and over and over. Desperate to read her books at all times! 

-Making cow, dog, and sheep sounds.

-Pointing out when a drink is hot by waving her hand to cool it down and saying "hot!"

-Pointing at herself. If she sees a picture of herself, she'll point to herself, but also sometimes she points at herself when looking at a picture of someone else, or when asked where mama is, etc. 


-Going to sleep.

-Foods she loved the day or week before.

-Being patient.

-Being cooped up inside because of being sick or because of the weather.

-The nose bulb or Nose Frida.